Hello MNCFR members!
As I have mentioned in my last two Letters from the President, my goal this year was to turn over as many ‘rocks’ as possible to find out where MNCFR should be in the future. In May, our Executive Board unanimously voted to bring forth to the MNCFR board that MNCFR gracefully dissolve. The board vote was approved in May, so as of now the Minnesota Council on Family Relations has turned over its last rock. It is our hope as a board, that someday in the future, MNCFR revitalize – possibly as something completely new and different. As we say good-bye to this organization for now, we honor the solid history of the Minnesota Council on Family Relations and its service to the professionals who have worked with Minnesota families. Thank you all for your support and commitment to MNCFR’s mission of dedication to strengthening families through continuing education, support and connection of professionals and students who are engaged in family education, policy, research, and services.
Be well and cheers to MNCFR’s amazing history!
Ellie McCann